Thursday, 24 September 2015

Zoo trip

Last week the year 4 and 3 syndicate went to the Auckland Zoo. My dad came along. I was in his group with Sydney, Lahteesha, Ezrah, Paul and Vea. 
Firstly we saw the sea lions. Swoosh! They splashed water on my face. They did a lot of splashing.  
As we were walking, we saw the cheetahs but they were asleep so that was pretty boring ...  so we moved on and had our morning tea because somebody was hungry? That was me! So we pulled over near the elephants. By the time we were eating they went into the water. Bbbbbbbbbbsh the elephant blew out the water. 
After that we went to see the tarantulas ... eeeeewww! I shouted and plus the others couldn't see them but it was only me who saw it. Right after that we had a bit of monkey business ... well not a bit ... a lot of monkey business because all of us were acting like monkeys! 
Next was the most exciting part of the zoo because we got to see the kangaroos but when we got there they were sleeping so it came to an end. What animals do you like? I like the orangtang.

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