Tuesday, 2 December 2014

My Year in review - 2014

At the start of the year I felt: So Nervous that I meet a new Teacher called Miss Pesaleli.

Learning goals I have met: Doing Writing because when I was an Year 3 I did not know how to spell but when I came in Year 4 I knew how Spell.

Friendships I have made this year are with:

Leilani - because she is a loving, caring and helpful girl. 

Ngahoa - is a hard working and a helpful girl. 

Aaliyah - was new and she came to Dawson but when she came here she was always helpful.

Favourite activities: 

Music - because you get to sing and have so much much fun.

Art - because you get to paint or draw beautiful art work.

Reading because we get to draw and colour.

Biggest challenges for me: 

Spelling because you will have to figure out tricky words

Art because when you paint and have to stay in the line 

Maths because when you do it's hard for me.

Academic goals for next year:

Is Maths because I get confused and mixed up with some equations.

Behavioural goals for next year:

Is being kind, caring and nice to other people.

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